Strawberry, Mango, and Pineapple Smoothie

20 Jan

I love it when I can make a sweet healthy treat that is appropriate for anytime of the day or night. I also love it when I can change the flavor just by changing the ingredients and always end up with one that the kids will love. You know the saying “you can’t always please all the people all of the time” well…I think this smoothie recipe begs to differ.Unless they hate fruit and then I don’t know what to tell ya 😉

For these I chose frozen strawberries,mango, and pineapple( you can use fresh fruit too) this time but like I said you can use whatever fruit your kids like and it will still taste great. You can also use different flavored yogurt and get incredible results. You can also try different juices too , just make sure the flavors compliment each other. And for older kids you can add a tsp. of honey to sweeten it even more but I never give honey to a child under 2. So go ahead and try some different combo’s and tell me what you or your kids like the best. My kids love these because they say they taste like the dreamsicle ice cream pops!

1 1/2 cup of orange juice

1 1/2 cup of frozen strawberry,mango, and pineapple mixed fruit

1 cup of vanilla yogurt

1 1/2  cup of ice

Put it all into the blender and mix till it is nice and smooth.

photo 4

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Posted by on January 20, 2014 in Previous Recipes


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