Bacon Cheeseburger Rolls

22 Jan
Bacon Cheeseburger Rolls

Bacon Cheeseburger Rolls

I always love the smell of garlic, bacon, and ground beef but when you add in the onion and cheese and sweet smell if bread from the crescent rolls..I am in Heaven!! Okay I will tell you that this is not the healthiest recipe but there are substitutions that can make it a bit healthier. I will be pairing this with a salad so I am sticking with the ooey gooey goodness that is involved with the bacon and beef!

1 pd. ground beef ~ can sub. for ground turkey

1 small minced onion

4 oz.  of cream cheese

6 strips of thick cut bacon – or half a package of pre-cooked bacon or turkey bacon

2 packages of crescent rolls

1 tsp. of garlic salt or 1 clove of garlic.

1 bag of cheddar cheese squares

Pre-heat oven to *350

Mince your onion and garlic.

Brown the ground beef with the minced onion and garlic.

Drain any grease.

In a large bowl put the cream cheese in the bottom.

Once the beef mixture is cooked and drained, place it in the bowl on top of the cream cheese to help it melt.

Brown your bacon in the same skillet and drain on paper towel.

Crumble the bacon into your meat and add salt and pepper to taste.

Next take your crescent rolls and roll the whole package out on your ungreased baking sheet.

Cut each crescent roll into twos. This is really hard to do and get them even so I used a pizza cutter and it made it a lot easier to cut.

Place a teaspoon of meat filling onto each piece of crescent roll.

Slice your cheese squares into 4 or 5 slices and place one slice on top of each tsp. of meat mixture.

Close the dough around the meat as best you can. Pinch the tops together to seal them up.

Bake in the oven at  *350 for 20 minutes or until golden brown on top.  All ovens bake differently so just make sure to keep an eye on them.

Let them cool for a couple of minutes and then use your spatula to remove them from your baking sheet.

My whole family absolutely loved them! Next time I am going to add some green chiles to spice them up a bit. You could add mushrooms too. Anyone have any other ideas for fillings?

photo 3 (1)

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Posted by on January 22, 2014 in Previous Recipes


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