Category Archives: A mothers ramblings……

Feeding teenagers is not an easy task……

Cooking use to be simple for me. My kids always loved eating healthy when they were little. They loved it when I would make fruit kabobs or a spinach Quiche. Now at 9 and 13 they have become very picky and I really have to work hard at finding healthy food that they enjoy. I have found some wonderful recipes through social media sites, so I decided that I would try some new recipes and share with the world my experiences and hopefully your preteens and teens will enjoy them too.

I ask in advance for your patience and kindness. I am new to the world of blogging and I am nowhere near the world’s greatest cook either! But I want to share my experiences so hopefully other mothers in my situation will know they are not alone. I know most teenagers would prefer a burger or chips but I am hoping together we can find some healthy alternatives that they will love. Please feel free to comment and share your recipes or experiences. Also please feel free to share my blog with anyone you know who has teens or tweens of their own. Just please keep this site kid friendly. Please also remember I am just starting out so I may be slow to start and changing stuff around a lot but hopefully I will get the hang of this soon and we can have a place for mom’s of teenagers to share whatever we find that our kids like or at least will eat without to many complaints!  🙂  Also, if you have a food blog of your own please feel free to share your blog info. on my page! If I can help in anyway please don’t hesitate to ask. Thanks and have a wonderful day!

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Posted by on January 13, 2014 in A mothers ramblings......


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