Tag Archives: Philly cheesesteak stuffed peppers

Philly Cheesesteak Stuffed Peppers

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I adore stuffed peppers. But we have had them so many times that we have gotten a bit tired of them. Everyone in my family also loves Philly cheesesteaks so when I seen pictures of the stuffed peppers with the Philly cheesesteak I decided to create my own recipe with everything we love and see how they would go over with the family. Well..They were a huge hit and I will be making them again in the very near future! Here is what I did…..




4 green peppers

8 slices of provolone cheese

4 oz. package of fresh mushrooms or canned

8 oz. of Philly style shaved meat frozen or 8 oz. fresh thin sliced roast beef

1 tbsp. of minced garlic

1 large sweet onion sliced as thin as you can get it

2 tbsp. butter

2 tbsp. oil

Toppings: add to taste –  salt & pepper, sub oil, and crispy fried onions


Pre-heat oven to *400 degrees

Wash  the peppers.

Slice the peppers in half . Remove the ribs and de seed them.

While I was sauteing the onions and mushrooms I placed the green peppers on a baking sheet and pre-heated them for about 10 minutes so they would not have a really strong flavor.

Caramelize your onions and minced garlic, mushrooms in butter. About 15 minutes on med-high heat.

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Remove onions and set aside.

Place oil into hot pan carefully and heat the meat thoroughly.

Add the onions and mushrooms back into the meat and heat the mixture thoroughly.

photo 4 (2)

Remove the peppers from the oven and place a slice of provolone inside of each pepper.

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Then add the  meat,onion, and mushroom mixture into each pepper, Then this is when I sprinkled them with sub oil, salt, and pepper.

Top with another slice of provolone and then top with crispy fried onions.

Bake in the oven for 15 minutes at 400 degrees. Enjoy!

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Anyone have any other suggestions on toppings?




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Posted by on January 24, 2014 in Previous Recipes


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